Category: 专栏
Young Georgians Take the Lead
The NHK Trophy, the fourth event in the annual Grand Prix series, was held from November 8 to 9 at the Yoyogi 1st National Gymnasium in Tokyo. Established in 1995, the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Series consists of six international senior-level competitions, where participants earn points to qualify for the prestigious ISU Grand Prix Final. This year, Japanese figure skating fans had plenty to celebrate as their athletes dominated the podium in both the women’s and men’s events. In the pair skating category, the Georgians took the lead, followed by the Japanese ISU World Champions 2023 finishing second.
Read MoreJason Brown – Painting on the Ice
The NHK Trophy, the fourth event in the annual Grand Prix series, was held from November 8 to 9 at the Yoyogi 1st National Gymnasium in Tokyo. Established in 1995, the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Series consists of six international senior-level competitions, where participants earn points to qualify for the prestigious ISU Grand Prix Final. Skatingchina had the privilege of sitting down for a one-on-one interview with Japan’s crowd favorite Jason Brown, who finished 7th at NHK Trophy, diving deeper into the intricate worlds of his programs.
Read MoreFriends On Ice – A chest full of gemstones
Hundreds of visitors braved Typhoon Shanshan, which brought lashing rain and turbulent winds across Japan, to attend the dress rehearsal of the 18th Friends On Ice show at the KOSÉ Shinyokohama Skate Center on August 29.
Read MoreNotte Stellata 2024 – A story of hopes, dreams and stars
"It was pitch black and the lights didn't turn on. Then I noticed how beautifully the stars were twinkling in the sky." (Yuzuru Hanyu)
Read MoreRE_PRAY: ICE STORY 2nd in Yokohama
Darkness. A controller. A loading screen. Electronic music. "Do you want to start the game? YES."
Read More“El Tango de Roxanne”-revival after 20 years
Since last year, the ice skating ensemble Prince Ice World has been touring Japan with exciting numbers to the most famous musical classics.
Read More高桥大辅准备未足婉拒国家队名单:期待后辈飞跃
Read More纪平梨花——宝刀出鞘
我一直监控着自己的体重。我对食物一直保持警觉,也计算热量, 至今为止都是这样调整过来的,还没遇过什么不顺利的状况,所以我很相信只要持续这样做,就能继续控制自己在每次比赛之前完成调整。
Read More金博洋:“我想重新开始”
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在刚刚过去的2017年花样滑冰世界青年锦标赛中,美籍华裔选手周知方(Vincent Zhou) 以一套包含一个勾手四周及两个后内结环四周跳的高难度且干净完整的自由滑问鼎冠军,同时打破了青年组的自由滑和总分纪录。
Read More陈楷雯:走出低谷 与压力对峙
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